Posted on August 31, 2020August 31, 2020Categories Business

Making WordPress Mobile-Friendly

We are a part of a constantly growing world,where each step marks the advancement of technology. There was a time when one couldn’t imagine mobile phones,but now,we access almost all the information about the world on our mobile phones.

According to recent data research,around half of the internet traffic is due to mobile phones’ usage. It indeed is one’s companion for google searches,blogging,research work,and publishing,etc. It is continuously evolving,and the users are continuously increasing. This is the reason why even Google punishes you if you do not have a mobile version of your website.

Every webpage or website that you launch,you do that with the target of hitting the maximum audience. Now,as we already know that more than half of the audience will be accessing it through mobile devices,it is no less than a compulsion to keep this in mind and launch your project accordingly.

When we talk about making the website mobile-friendly,the work doesn’t end at just installing a responsive theme. It is,in fact,the beginning of the work. This article will serve as a guide to you for making your WordPress website mobile-friendly. We will be breaking it into elements through which you can scroll and make changes to your project. So,let’s explore!

1. Implement a Mobile version of the website

The screen sizes of mobile phones vary among each other and differ from the desktop screen. Hence,a website must be designed in a way that its elements reshuffle as the viewports grow and shrink. This is called responsive design. Among many other advantages,its major plus point is that it offers a hustle free branding opportunity to the developers. Using a responsive theme,you can manage different themes by just controlling one.

Now you can either design a new website with a responsive theme,you can test and see if the developer has updated functionality by adding a responsive theme to your existing website,or you can create your responsive theme using a variety of Plugins offered by WordPress.

For case one,for all the modern themes,WordPress already provides an updated version with responsive themes,so if you are just going to create a new website,you do not have to worry. Besides this,WordPress offers a range of plugins to allow you to create a responsive theme. Below are some of them. You can explore these and choose one for your website.

  • WP Touch
  • WordPress Mobile Pack
  • JetPack
  • Any Mobile Theme Switcher
  • WP Mobile Edition

Also,if you will be catering to a lot of traffic,you can consider making a mobile app for your website. You can go through the WP Rest API to work on building an app.

2. Using Mobile Optimized Plugins

WordPress gives a plethora of plugins that can make your work easy. But before choosing any of those,you must make sure that it works for mobile as well.

For selecting a theme,you can first do preliminary research for it. You can read reviews,make some test runs in a local testing environment. Below are a few of the tested plugins that work well for mobiles.

  • Responsive Menu
  • Gravity Forms
  • Contact Form 7
  • Responsive Sliders

Btw,if you are enjoying this quick read… click the link for more info on wordpress website management services.

3. Optimizing Images

Images take up most of the data on a website. Hence image optimization,especially for mobile websites is extremely necessary.

If you are still using an older version of WordPress,update it. It already comes with consideration for image optimization. Most of your work will be done just by updating WordPress. Apart from updating your version,you can do many other things for image optimization,which will increase the usability of mobile versions.

You can use Save for Web feature of Photoshop to create the smallest possible version of the image. If you do not use photoshop,you can service like TinyPNG to do the same. You can also compress the image using Plugins. Popularly used ones are WP Smush or EWWW Image Optimiser.

4. Speeding up on Mobile

Time taken while loading a page,decides the usability of the website to a great extent. Hence it is always advised to decrease the responsive time of the website and make it work fast. Over 40% of the users leave the site quickly if the page doesn’t load within three seconds.

To gain useful insights on loading websites faster,you can go through resources like Pingdom,GT Matrix. You can also consider looking into Accelerated Mobile Pages. They make your pages load quickly in Google search results. You can install this in WordPress using AMP Plugin.

5. Full-Screen Pop-Ups

Whether it is a mobile phone or a desktop screen,we all hate pop-ups. They make us go through unnecessary pages and waste our time. While it may be necessary,try to avoid making full-screen pop-ups. Even Google recommends using banners,text links,and CTAs in the content to avoid annoying pop-ups.

6. Mobile-Friendly Test and Website Administration via Mobile

After implementing the measures mentioned above,it is time to take a test run. This will work as a prototype testing for the website,and you can work where your website lacks. To make your job easy,Google has created a nifty Mobile Friendliness Testing Tool. It will test your website for all the aspects that might be encountered with mobile activity.

Now that you have managed all the frontend job,you should look back at the backend. After all,backend makes your front end work efficiently. Luckily,WordPress gives its user a gift of taking care of backend processes. WordPress backend is completely mobile responsive and it makes your website work just as well.

Summarising What We’ve Learned

Making your websites mobile-friendly will increase your reach to maximum users. It will also give you the liberty to access and manage it through mobile.

While we have gone through many aspects,updated versions,plugins,and optimization of content are the holding threads of a website. WordPress already takes care of many of the features,and thus reduces a lot of your work. Make sure you utilize the available resources to the most and enhance your website’s level with the availability of every new version.

This article was provided from the WordPress specialists at HelpBot. For more information about them,click the link above.

Posted on August 28, 2020August 28, 2020Categories Business

Types of Liposuction and a Clear Winner

Smartlipo uses a YAG laser to liquefy fat deposits,which we suction out with a thin tube called a cannula. A 2019 study determined that laser lipolysis treatments resulted in a significant decrease in total body fat while smoothing and tightening the skin. These skin tightening results were supported by a study in the Aesthetic Surgery Journal. The majority of RealSelf members say the treatment is Worth It. Still,those who had complaints about its effectiveness did not see the results they wanted,had lumpy skin after the procedure or were burnt by the for sale in Del Webb Note: YAG Laser technique is surpassed by VASER,which does not burn,but liquefies the fat.

CoolSculpting is NOT for everyone. To put it simply,people want to know if they could have their fat frozen off. Not sucked out with a needle,requiring surgery and recovery,but frozen. Keep a few things to keep in mind: 1. CoolSculpting is NOT for health. 2. You do not get this done because you want to lose weight. 3. It targets stubborn areas of fat and reduces them. Many CoolSculpting patients are botched because of the spotty results.

Tumescent liposuction is a method for performing the liposuction procedure with the patient completely under local anesthesia. It is a liposuction technique that can securely remove fat from almost every part of the body,including the face,neck,chin,breast,stomach,hips,legs,back,internal and outer thighs,buttocks,ankles,and for sale in Del Webb
This body-sculpting operation injects a large quantity of fluid into the tissue with local anesthetic and adrenaline. This method shrinks capillaries,reducing bleeding and hardening fat,making it simpler to remove. The procedure has evolved and replaced by newer methods.

Vaser liposuction is a cutting edge procedure used to change the contours and shape of the body by removing persistent fat deposits. Vaser stands for Vibration Amplification of Sound Energy at Resonance. It is a specialized ultrasound technology used to break down fat cells by sending out ultrasonic frequency waves. Once the fat cells are broken down,the cosmetic surgeon is able to remove excess fat through a suction process (the liposuction part of the procedure). The ultrasound technology used during a VASER liposuction procedure comes with certain benefits,compared to traditional liposuction procedures.
In the right hands,homes for sale in Del Webb VASER is the way to go today.

Posted on August 7, 2020August 7, 2020Categories Business

Breast Augmentation Considerations

Breast augmentation and mastopexy are a modern cosmetic surgery technique employing liposuction and other invasive surgical techniques for increasing the size,shape,and firmness of the breasts of an average woman. A woman’s breasts are often asymmetrical,either because her breasts are too small for her frame or because they are not evenly sized. The most common areas of concern for women with breast asymmetry are the nipples,areola,and cup size.

In patients with breast asymmetry according to Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery,the natural crease in the skin from the nipple to the top of the breast may cause distortion of this crease. Breast reduction is not recommended for patients suffering from asymmetry. Breast reduction can be used to treat patients with sagging breasts due to genetic conditions such as gigantism,which is caused by an overproduction of growth hormone,or polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS),which is caused by the abnormal production and activity of certain female hormones. Patients with PCOS also have a decreased number of milk glands and therefore a decreased quantity of milk to produce.

Women who want to enhance the appearance of their breasts with breast augmentation can have either one of two procedures,known as augmentation mammoplasty or submucous suction-assisted incision (SMIS). For patients who have undergone mastopexy,breast implantation is also recommended. In a typical breast implant insertion,the implants are inserted under the skin,usually under the breast fold,and then attached to a silicone ring via the incision.

If the patient’s breasts are too large or small in size,a breast reduction can be performed. There are several different methods of breast reduction and each method has its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common method of breast reduction,referred to as a “breast reduction revision”,involves removing both the areola and nipple and the tissue surrounding the implant.

One of the major advantages of breast reduction is that it can result in a more natural appearance according to the site Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery. This can result in a more natural-looking bosom as well as a more pleasing breast shape.

The disadvantage of breast reduction is that it can cause the breast to sag,which can make the patient feel unattractive. However,there are many ways to remedy this problem,including natural herbs such as breast milk,or herbs and vitamins that help promote the body’s natural production of estrogen. to keep the skin in its normal place.

Because breast implantation can be both expensive and dangerous,many women prefer to have their implants done naturally. They can choose to have the implants placed under the skin using traditional incision or a mini-incision,which involves placing the implants through tiny incisions,which are barely noticeable. These types of breast implants are more popular among women who are not satisfied with the results of traditional breast augmentation.

Many women choose to have a combination of breast reduction and breast augmentation to achieve a combination of the two procedures. If a patient’s breasts are too large or too small,she may choose to use one of several options to achieve the best possible outcome. Some women may opt to have breast reduction,implantation,or both simultaneously. Sometimes,it is a better option to combine the two procedures because having a larger breast is better than having a small one,but not always.

For example,if a woman has a full breast lift performed to reduce her breast size but her bosom does not fit properly,she may choose to have implantation. However,if she has a small bosom but wants to retain her self-confidence,she may elect to remove her implants to regain a fuller bosom. It is important to note that the combination of implants and breast reduction is most often preferred by women who do not want surgery.

Of course,many women do not want to have both a breast reduction and a breast augmentation because they feel that their bodies are just not compatible. For example,some women feel that a larger breast will make them look too old,but a smaller breast will make them look too young. They may also want to have their breasts changed because they feel that their breasts are too large or too small,or too flat or too long or too wide.

Women who choose to have both a breast reduction and a breast augmentation can find out more information from a board-certified plastic surgeon to determine what their options are. Many women will try to find a reputable surgeon who performs both techniques at the same time. However,a good cosmetic surgeon can give them the best advice about which option will be best for them.

Atlantic Center for Plastic and Cosmetic Surgery
258 Pharr Rd NE #4
Atlanta,GA 30305
(770) 817-9999